U.S. stocks finished near session highs on Monday, lifting the Dow to another record high and giving the S&P 500 its seventh straight advance. The Dow added 50.22 points, or 0.35%, to 14,447.29. The S&P 500 index advanced 5.04 points, or 0.32%, to 1,556.22. The Nasdaq Composite rose 8.50 points, or 0.26%, to 3,252.87.
Chicago-area drivers are finally starting to see some relief at the pump. The average price of gasoline at stations within city limits is down about 5 cents in the last week to just under $4.17 a gallon, the first decline this year.
US federal regulators have charged Illinois with securities fraud for misleading municipal bond investors on the health of its woefully under-funded public pension system.
The Mexican government on Monday announced a sweeping proposal to limit the reach of telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim and broadcasting giant Televisa as part of efforts to boost competition in Latin America’s second-biggest economy.
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