U.S. stocks slipped in the afternoon trading on Monday, as investors looked past Spain’s request for help for its ailing banks to weekend elections in Greece. After a 96-point rise, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lately slid 8.20 points, or 0.46%, at 12,496.00, The S&P 500 Index declined 6.75 points, or 0.51%, at 1,318.91. The Nasdaq Composite Index slipped 22.62 points, or 0.79%, at 2,835.80.
Spain’s Treasury said Monday that the government’s plan to shore up the banks with a loan of up to €100 billion ($125 billion) will reinforce the overall solvency of the debt markets in the country.
Americans suffered a record decline in wealth between 2007 and 2010 as home values tumbled, according to a Federal Reserve report on Monday that underscored the severity of the recent recession.
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) on Monday announced a major revamp of its MacBook line of laptop computers. The company added a new MacBook Pro that it said comes with the retina display technology used in the iPad.
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