U.S. stocks on Thursday closed with weekly losses as investors weighed Europe’s return to the headlines against positive weekly claims data. Down 1.2% from last Friday’s close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 14.61 points, or 0.11%, to 13,060.14. The S&P 500 Index lost 0.88 point, or less than 0.06%, to 1,398.08, leaving it off 0.7% for the week. The Nasdaq Composite rose 12.41 points, or 0.40%, to 3,080.50, with a 0.4% loss for the week.
President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law a bill that aims to make it easier for small companies to raise money from investors. The Obama administration on Thursday also directed the Treasury Department, Small Business Administration and Justice Department to “closely” monitor the implementation of the legislation to ensure it maintains “appropriate investor protections.”
Google Inc. Chief Executive Larry Page said he expects “to build great devices” based on its Android platform and the technology of Motorola Mobility, which it is about to acquire.
Citigroup, one of the world’s biggest banks, had major lapses in its anti-money laundering systems that are supposed to police the flow of shadowy money, a U.S. bank regulator said.
Facebook’s highly-coveted “FB” stock will list on the Nasdaq when the company makes its public debut in May, according to a person familiar with the matter.
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