Stocks closed higher on Monday as investors responded to the latest twists in Europe’s efforts to control its debt crisis. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 85.15 points, or 0.71%, to 12,068.39. The S&P 500 rose 7.89 points, or 0.63%, to 1,261.12. The Nasdaq Composite rose 9.10 points, or 0.34%, to 2,695.25.
Rival Greek political parties tried on Monday to hammer out a historic power-sharing deal to secure a euro130 billion ($179 billion) rescue package, but markets remained wary and European leaders kept up pressure by holding back a vital bailout loan.
Americans borrowed more in September to buy cars and attend college, but they charged less to their credit cards for a third straight month. Total consumer borrowing rose by $7.4 billion in September, the Federal Reserve said Monday. In August, it had fallen by the most in 16 months.
Barnes & Noble unveiled a $249 Nook Tablet But it cut the price on its Nook Color, which doesn’t have streaming services, to $199, from $239. It cut the price for its Nook Simple Touch Reader, a black-and-white reader that doesn’t have a browser, to $99 from $139.
Crude-oil futures climbed above $95 a barrel Monday to finish at a more than three-month high. Crude for December delivery advanced $1.26, or 1.3%, to settle at $95.52 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange after touching a high of $95.66 earlier. Prices marked their highest closing level for a most-active contract since July 29.
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