U.S. stocks were off to a shaky start on Monday, with the S&P 500 hovering near its April low after signs of a slowing economy pushed the index to five weeks of losses. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lately declined 36.82 points to 12,114.44. The Standard & Poor’s 500 was off 4.77 points at 1,295.39. The Nasdaq Composite Index added 0.16 point to 2,732.94.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc could release documents to counter a Senate subcommittee report that said the bank misled clients about mortgage-linked securities, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Apple Inc Chief Executive Steve Jobs returns on Monday to the stage at San Francisco’s Moscone center to take the wraps off what investors hope will be the next source of growth for the world’s most valuable technology company.
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou started a campaign on Monday to secure a new international bailout by imposing years of austerity on a nation already seething over corruption and economic mismanagement.
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